Hey there! I'm Pat

With so much information online about how to take care of our health, it can feel overwhelming to know what tools to use to make the biggest difference.

My mission is to educate and help you move towards the health you know you should be enjoying.

My philosopy on health + wellness

In my own health journey over the years, I've come to appreciate the value of natural solutions. The more good we can do for the earth and for our bodies, the better! You cannot pour from an empty cup, take care of yourself first.

Here are a few ways I can help you take charge of your health journey.

Group Coaching

Fun challenges and direct access to me in our Committed to Being Healthy Facebook Group.

One on One

Need more guidance + accountability? Work with me personally to achieve optimal health without the overwhelm.

Natural Solutions

As a certified aromatherapist, I can help you incorporated essential oils and natural solutions into your daily care routine.

Meal Plans

Special meal plans based on maintaining your gut health and make sure you'll love it

Take Charge of Your Health and Find the Balance You Need to Succeed!

I can help you establish healthy habits and routines that support your goals by working with you to identify your unique needs, challenges, and motivations. Together, we can create a personalized plan that includes specific actions and strategies for improving your diet, exercise, sleep, stress management, and overall wellbeing.


Book Your Free Call

Book your free phone consulation with Pat.


Share Your Goals

Where you are and where you want to be.


Create A Plan

Pat will create a personalized plan for you.

Reclaim Your Health


I wanted to send my loved ones on a different path and really the only option for us was to change the way we had always done things. With diet and lifestyle changes we can take back the control and rewrite our futures.

I am a Health Coach who specializes in IBS nutrition for professional women, In the simplest terms, I help you eat right with simple delicious meals to decrease your chances of IBS issues.

Now, I've helped hundreds of women along their journey, and if there is one thing I know for sure, it is not about a diet, it is about making slow and steady changes to our day to day that will bring lasting change.

As a certified health coach + a certified aromatherapist, I can help you with complete and easy to implement health solutions without overwhelm or confusion.

“The doctor of the future will give no medicine, but will instruct his patients in the care of the human frame, in diet and in the cause and prevention of disease.”
– Thomas Edison


Get My Free 9 Steps To A Healthy Gut Guide


What My Clients are Saying

Pat asked all the right questions to help me look at ways of improving my life. I got in touch with my inner self and realized every choice I make affects me for better or worse.

Cathy Stupple

Thank you Pat for being my accountability health coach to help me break free of sugar addictions! Our bodies were created to feel great and be energetic, not being addicted to sugar and all the side effects that come with that.

Deanna Vellenga

I would describe Pat as an extremely good listener, very intuitive, able to read between what I am saying and what I actually mean. She is knowledgeable, and an extremely pleasant person to work with.

Stephanie Filip

I will recommend Pat to my friends, I am so happy that I used Pat as a coach and gave her a chance to help me to the extent she has.

Rochelle Hendricks

Change Begins with One Step

Book a time that is convenient for you for your free consultation.

Pat is a certified health coach with the IIN and a trained aromatherapist.

Her goal is to help you with complete and easy-to-implement health solutions without overwhelm or confusion.


Group Coaching

One on One Coaching


Meal Plans

Contact Info

2093 Governors Road

Copetown, ON



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